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We plan to offer online Chinese courses by Zoom for Summer 2021.
These are separated from our regular classes in Fall and Spring semesters.
Saturday mornings 9 am to 12 noon (2021 June 19th to 2021
August 28th; July 3rd no classes)
Tuition: $300 for each student.
(Guardian and me one hour: $150)
Sibling discount : $20 off (Guardian and me : $10 off)
*Minimum 4 students to open one class, and maximum 10 students.
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幼幼聽說唱 (Guardianand Me - one hour)
Listen to stories, recognize and identify objects, follow native speakers to pronounce vocabularies, sing some Chinese songs, and play games.
Good for Level pre-K to K. (Must be accompanied with an adult)
拼音基礎 (Pin Yin Basic and Improvement)
By learning Pin Yin, anyone could pronounce a new Chinese character correctly. This is fundamental and
Good for Level K to 2.
日常聽力 (Listening Comprehension)
How much is that candy? Which one do you prefer for lunch? What is the red butterfly doing on this picture? How could we go to the library by bus and on foot? Who made the final decision in the story and changed the whole situation?
會話表達 (Conversation and Expression)
Self introduction with 10 sentences is the beginning. Retell a story after listening, combine sentences to make a paragraph, and use "idioms and phrases" properly. Podium presentation is our goal.
閱讀識字 (Reading and Vocabulary)
Many American Born Chinese (ABC) children talk to their grandparents in Chinese but cannot read and
write much. This is a good opportunity to improve the reading level and learn more words in system.
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